
SD Trust Association Initiatives


Raise the profile of South Dakota as the top Jurisdiction for trusts on a national and international basis.  This will be accomplished through holding marketing and relationship building events.  During 2017 we held our first annual South Dakota Trust Conference (“The Fall Forum”) to bring attorneys and other professionals in and around the trust business on a national basis to South Dakota.

Lobbying/Trust Law Protection

South Dakota has been able to become a top trust jurisdiction as a result of business friendly legislature and the work of the Governor’s Trust Task Force. We believe that having a representative in Pierre on an “as needed” basis to ensure that all Trust Company issues are bought to the forefront of all legislators is imperative.  We will also work to create a day where all trust company executives can go as a group to Pierre to meet legislators and make sure all of our voices are heard.


With the explosive growth of the South Dakota trust industry, it has led to a shortage of qualified personal to manage and administer trusts on an ongoing basis.  In concert with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development we have started reaching out to both local and state universities to start engaging in dialogue regarding creating new course curriculums around trust administration and operations in order to fill the gap.  We also believe that this association will continue to provide educational opportunities to its members, as well as others both inside and outside of South Dakota.


The State of South Dakota has created a business-friendly environment that allows the trust industry to thrive.  In a spirit of gratitude and community engagement, we encourage members to consider sharing a measure of their success with all South Dakotans through contributions to the Trust for the Future Fund and by engaging in volunteer opportunities.  Based on feedback from a recent member survey, the initial focus of our philanthropic efforts center on food security and children and youth, including early childhood education, after-school programs, and youth at risk. To see a sampling of volunteer opportunities in these areas, please see below.  You can make an online donation here to the Trust for the Future Fund held at the South Dakota Community Foundation.

Checks can be made out to the South Dakota Community Foundation with the memo of Trust for the Future Fund (1058) and mailed to:

South Dakota Community Foundation, PO Box 296, Pierre, SD 57501