Membership & Sponsorship
Membership & Sponsorship
Become a Member of the SDTA
The South Dakota Trust Association maintains membership at $1,000 per year. Dues are collected from Members once per year.
Become a Member of the SDTA or Renew your membership
Use this online form to sign up for membership or renew your SDTA membership. Clicking on the link below will allow you to create and pay for your membership online via our secure online payment provider Square™. SDTA Memberships are organizational in nature so your entire organization is a member. Memberships run on a calendar year and need to be renewed each December for the upcoming year.
Sign up and sponsor the Heckerling event today. Attendance and sponsorship requires a valid membership. Clicking on the link below will direct you to our member signup page where you will have an opportunity to also elect to sponsor this event.
SPONSOR the Fall Forum
The Fall Forum includes a variety of speakers on both the local and national level addressing a wide range of topics relating to South Dakota and the broader trust industry. The 9th Annual Fall Forum will be held in Sioux Falls on October 9-10, 2025. To become a sponsor, contact Angie Kuiper at [email protected]. A complete list of sponsorship opportunities will be available soon.
Connect with SDTA Members
- Adler Trust Company
- AZ Trust Company
- Biltmore Trust Company
- BitGo
- Boyce Law Firm LLP
- Brady Martz & Associates
- Bridgeford Trust Company
- Bridges Trust Company of SD
- BTC Trust Company of SD
- Casey Peterson, Ltd.
- Central Bank
- CISA Trust Company (South Dakota) LLC
- Cornerstone Private Asset Trust Company, LLC
- Corpag Trust South Dakota Inc.
- Corundum Trust Company
- Cresset Trust Company
- Dacotah Bank Trust & Wealth Management
- Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith, L.L.P.
- Dorsey & Whitney Trust Company LLC
- Dougherty Trust Company
- Eide Bailly, LLP
- Expedition Trust Company
- Farmers National Company
- First Bank & Trust
- First International Bank & Trust
- First Interstate Bank
- The First National Bank in Sioux Falls
- First PREMIER Bank
- First Trust Company, LLC
- FNN Trust Company
- Frontier Bank
- Goosmann Law Firm
- Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson, & Ashmore, LLP
- Halbach | Szwarc Law Firm
- IQ EQ Trust Company, U.S.
- IRA Financial Trust Company
- IRAR Trust Company
- JTC Group
- Ketel Thorstenson, LLP
- Krystosek Law, PLLC
- Lapistone Trust LLC
- Liberty National Bank – Wealth Management
- Lynn, Jackson, Schultz & Lebrun, P.C.
- More Than Money Trust Company
- National Advisors Trust
- Next Generation Trust Company
- New Vision Trust Company
- North Point Trust Company
- PenChecks Trust Company of America
- Pifer's Auction & Realty and Land Management
- Plains Commerce Bank
- Redstone Law Firm LLP
- Sageworth Trust Company of SD
- Sawmill Trust Company
- Security National Bank of SD
- South Dakota Trust Company
- Sterling Trustees
- Thompson Law, PLLC
- Trident Trust Company
- UMB Trust Company of SD
- Wealth Advisors Trust Company
- Woods, Fuller, Shultz, & Smith P.C.
- Zedra Trust Company, LLC
- Zero Hash