9th Annual Fall Forum

October 9 & 10

At the NEW Canopy by Hilton

Downtown Sioux Falls Steel District

Full schedule and more information will be posted this summer.

Make your hotel reservations at the conference hotel, the Hilton by Canopy in Downtown Sioux Falls, using the link below. It will take you directly to the rooms available at the negotiated conference rate.

SD Trust Association Fall Conference – Canopy by Hilton Sioux Falls Downtown

Guests are also able to call the hotel directly at 605-275-4120 and referencing the South Dakota Trust Conference, or group code: SDTFC

Rooms will be held until September 8th


Want to become a sponsor? The opportunities can be found here.

Presented by the South Dakota Trust Association

8th Annual Fall Forum

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Fall Forum 2024 – October 17 & 18


We would like to thank all of our sponsors! Without all of them, this event would not be possible. Thank you so much for your contributions to this event! 

Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Below is the agenda for each day of our Fall Forum. We look forward to seeing you there! The link to the presentation materials will be sent to registered participants.


The Fall Forum has been approved as credit for several types of CE.

American Bankers Association (ABA) Professional Certifications has approved 2024 Fall Forum for: 11.75 CTFA credits. APPROVED NON-ABA CE search for training will appear as: South Dakota Trust Association | SD Trust Association Fall Forum 2024. 

Attendee Instructions to self report for CE Credit
1. Log into certification record at aba.csod.com
3. Enter key word(s) from program title or sponsor name and 
Select program from search results
4. Click Request and when page refreshes click Mark Complete

ABA Professional Certifications is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of performance and ethics within the financial services industry. This statement is not an endorsement of this program or its sponsor.

CLE – Iowa has approved 9 hours for the in-person or virtual event.

CLE – Minnesota has approved 9 hours of standard credit. Attorneys wishing to receive credit for this course must report the attendance in their OASIS portal at www.cle.mn.gov.

CLE – Nebraska – Nebraska has approved 8.83 hours of credit. The on-line MCLE system must be used to report attendance at this event.

CFA – Any CFA Charterholders in attendance should reach out to their local society and they can credit this to their CFA Institute profile. They usually equate one hour of presentation + Q/A = 1 CE Credit.

7:15 - 8:15 AM
Breakfast & Registration
8:15 - 8:45 AM
SDTA Board Member Committee Reports & SDTA Highlights | SDTA Board Members
8:45 - 9:45 AM
BSA/AML Guidance, Transaction Monitoring and SAR Reporting for Foreign Structures | Jamie Schupp

The session will address foundationald AML/BSA requirements and the complexity presented by unique account and relationship types. Guidance will be provided on transaction monitoring and SAR reporting for foreign trust structures.

9:45 - 10:00 AM
Morning Break
10:00 - 10:50 AM
Practical Issues in Foreign Trust Administration for South Dakota Trustees | Peter Cotorceanu

This session will cover FATCA compliance and select tax and reporting issues associated with both grantor and non-grantor trusts settled by non-U.S. settlors with U.S. and non-U.S. beneficiaries, including 3520’s, 3520-A’s, basis step up and other related topics.

11:00 - 11:50 AM
Succession with Purpose: Purpose Trusts as a Tool for Business Succession Planning | Susan Gary

As business owners consider how to transfer ownership of their businesses, the idea of selling the business to a purpose trust is getting attention. Susan Gary will explain purpose trust basics, motivations for a transition to purpose trust ownership, benefits and challenges, ways a transition may be structured, and ways family members may stay involved with the business.

12:00 - 1:00 PM
Networking Lunch
1:00 - 1:50 PM
Fireside Chat with Bret Afdahl: Division of Banking Updates | Bret Afdahl and Mary Schaefbauer

South Dakota Division of Banking Director Afdahl will discuss current issues with BSA/AML and SARS reporting, the 2024 legislative session, audit and compliance guidance, cyber security and other current topics.

2:00 - 2:50 PM
SD Blockchain Institute: Beyond UCC Article 12 - What is Next for Trust Companies Digital Holdings | Barry Sackett & Panel

Description posted soon.

2:50 - 3:05 PM
Afternoon Break
3:05 - 3:55 PM
Life Settlements and Life Insurance Valuation Solutions for Estate and Tax Professionals | Jamie Mendelsohn

Life insurance is a mainstay in estate and business succession/buy-sell planning. As circumstances change, advisors and clients can appropriately value and potentially monetize policies for more than their cash surrender value. The valuation of existing policies is used by fiduciaries to protect clients’ best interests and uncover value to help solve other planning needs.

4:00 - 5:00 PM
Welcome to the Jungle: The Next Phase of the Evolution of the Wealth Management Industry | Mark Hurley

Hurley will present on his recent paper on the future of wealth management. He will address the immense opportunity ahead and why most firms are unprepared to capitalize on it; how big firms will soon reset the terms of competition; the upcoming all-out war for talent; how and why wealth manager M&A pricing will change, why cyber threats are an existential threat to every firm and the ten traits common to the most successful participants.

5:00 - 7:00 PM
Cocktail Hour / Networking Social Sponsored by RSM (In Person Only)

Presented by the South Dakota Trust Association